Why Wedding Photographers are like Space Shuttle Astronauts

I’ve been thinking. It’s a phrase that my wife normally greets with a sigh.

I’m a child of the space age and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be an astronaut. I had a Moonraker space shuttle model kit as a kid and as I meticulously constructed it, I imagined flying to space in one. With the penultimate space shuttle landing a few hours ago, that’s never going to happen. I still harbour hopes of flying to space and my name is embossed on various satellites and probes currently making extraterrestrial journeys. The thing I have just realised is how being a wedding photographer has many similarities to being a space shuttle astronaut.

All the wedding photographers I know have a ‘pre-flight’ ritual. We check gear, clean it, recharge it and make sure everything is perfect. Many of us have a special meal before we head off on our mission.

Also just like astronauts, going to the toilet and eating poses special problems for wedding photographers. You’ve got to either forget about it altogether or pick your moments so you don’t miss something critical.

The other thing to consider is that the space shuttle doesn’t land under power. It’s a great big glider. A one hitter. No do overs. No go around. You can’t try it again. Miss it and you’re stuffed.

Same thing with photographing a wedding.

Photographing a wedding is a one hitter. No do overs. No go around. You can’t try it again. Miss it and you’re stuffed.

If you’re looking for a wedding photographer hit my contact page and send me an email, or check me out on Facebook. I’ve got “the right stuff”.